[Kde-extra-gear] Who wants to maintain the Extra Gear?

Klas Kalaß klas.kalass at gmx.de
Thu Sep 23 21:25:22 CEST 2004

Hi everybody!

I am looking for some kind person to take over the "maintainance" of the Extra 
Gear. Basically, that means that you manage the mailing list and take care 
that only applications join the extragear which fullfill the requirements. 
It is not a very time consuming task currently, but there is much you can do 
if you can invest more time (like writing helper scripts, doing publicity 
work, reminding authors of abandoned apps that they will be removed shortly 
and subsequently removing those apps etc.)

So, everybody interested please step up!

btw. I will not be home next week, so if you answer the day after tomorrow it 
might take some time for my response.


Klas Kalaß -- klas at kde.org, klas.kalass at gmx.de

The KDE Extra Gear (http://extragear.kde.org)
The K Desktop Environment (http://www.kde.org)
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