[Kde-extra-gear] Re: Hello and let's start to bugging everyone with proposals :-)

Michael Buesch mbuesch at freenet.de
Wed Oct 6 15:49:32 CEST 2004

Quoting Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò <dgp85 at users.sourceforge.net>:
> As first thing: thanks Helio for the work you're going to do, and thanks
> also for Klas for the good work done until now :)

Thanks from me, too.

> Helio Chissini de Castro wrote:
> > move keg-1,2,3 to keg-multimedia, keg-utilities, etc.. 
> I'm quite interested in this, at the moment the keg-1,2,3 system is quite
> difficult for a 'final user' to undestand.
> > Create a keg_release_branch !
> About this I'm not too much happy: as far as I understood from the keg
> policies, these aren't "packages", but just modules.
> I don't think it's a good thing that the distributions can take a single
> great package and then compile them.
> I don't think this is the good way to do it, at least: it some distribution
> packages the keg at release of, say, kde 3.3.1, and then an app (maybe
> knetload) releases a version one week later, we'll have a conflict between
> the keg's version and the new version.
> Also, users which founds a complete new meta-package will found different
> media players, image viewers, even two different passwords managers
> (nothing about you Michael, it's only a theory :).

I think it's a _very_ bad idea to generate a keg-X release tarball,
containing the stable version of any program in there.
The user will not know what programs he's installing there.
You remember? Users don't read documentation. They download and install.
This will lead to problems. Example?
User FOO has a running KDE and is using KWallet. He stored all his passwords
there. It took him ages to type them in. Now he installs keg-3.rpm.
PwManager is installed now (remember: He doesn't know what it is all about,
because he didn't read the docs). Now PwManager fires up its KWallet
emulation. The user will scream "Damn KEG! All my Passwords are gone...".
(Note that they aren't gone. Just disable KWallet emulation).

KEG apps should packed as standalone packages. One for every app.

And IMHO packagers should use the release tarballs to make their binaries.
In my case (PwManager), this will work fine.
My release strategy for the stable branch ("branch-1-0" at the moment) is:
If I found a bug, if fix and commit it. Then I decide: Is this bug worth
making a new release?
Look here:
Look at latest 1.0.2 release.
I didn't release anything, until a serious bug was fixed. (It was the
"Don't allow --mintray if the tray does not exist.")
But then I released the new version immediately.
So no serious bug stayed "known but unreleased" for more then a few hours.

Finally I don't like the "keg_release_branch" tagging stuff.
But that's only my personal view and I can't explain why I dislike it. :)

> At at last, think about gentoo.. if the keg packages will be packaged all
> together, we'll have a single package with a lot of unuseful (because too
> much) and unrequested stuff.

And it _will_ break stuff, as you can see above.
It will break stuff (or at least confuse the user heavily), because one
definition of KEG is "redundancy".

> Anyway these are only my 2 (euro)cents :)
> P.S.: Helio be prepared: next week I'll stress you ;)

Regards Michael Buesch  [ http://www.tuxsoft.de.vu ]

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