[Kde-extra-gear] Hello and let's start to bugging everyone with proposals :-)

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Tue Oct 5 23:58:13 CEST 2004

On Tuesday 05 October 2004 22:53, Helio Chissini de Castro wrote:
> Let's just add one more variable on the equations which is if we start to
> get more and more apps on keg ( and that's exactly what we want ), easier
> we will reach keg-1,2,3,4,5,6,7..... imagine the nightmare, for everyone
> from the guy want's to pick up some tool to the maintainer ( actually me )
> to find where the app is to fix the buildsystem ( or do you expect i have
> all things on my mind :-)

The keg homepage could prominently list the module that each application is 
in. If you have all of them checked out (like me) you could use "locate" to 
find where stuff is.

> 2 - Please have mercy of packagers :-)

> Create a keg_release_branch !

A branch is not very practical, but a tag would work. The problem is that you 
can't have a branch available under two different names as far as I know. So 
if I were to create a kiosktool_1_0 branch, it would NOT be possible to have 
that branch known as keg_release_branch at the same time. On the other hand, 
if I have tagged a release as kiosktool_1_0_release, I can also tag that same 
release as keg_latest_release and later move the latter to match the 

An alternative would be to agree to have a LATEST_STABLE_BRANCH file in each 
application directory (in CVS HEAD) that contains the name of the latest 
stable branch.

It should actually be possible to let a script update such file. Something 

for a in kdeextragear-*; do (cd $a; for b in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d); do 
echo $a/$b; cvs status -v $b/Makefile.am | grep '(branch:' | head -1; done;) 

Then we only need a uniform naming scheme for release tags/branches. I suggest
"<appname>_<version>_release" for release tags and 
"<appname>_<version>_branch" for stable branches.

Or perhaps "stable_<appname>_<version>_release" and
"stable_<appname>_<version>_branch" so that we can grep on "stable_" to find 
the stable stuff and also have room for things like "make_it_cool_branch" and 
unstable releases.

bastian at kde.org  |  Wanted: Talented KDE developer  |  bastian at suse.com
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