[Kde-extra-gear] cvsExtract

Klas Kalass kde-extra-gear@mail.kde.org
Sat, 17 Aug 2002 18:15:48 +0200

Hello everybody!

I would like to announce kdeextragear-1/scripts/cvsExtract.sh. This is a sh=
script to extract an extragear application from KDE CVS, including=20
translations and documentation.

When extracting an application, it is possible to fetch everything from cvs=
to use local directories.

It should be usable now, but still lacks the ability to package the created=
directory. I plan to either fix make dist for this (does anyone know why no=
all files from the admin dir are copied when calling make dist?) or merging=
Sebastian's cvs2pkg.sh script. Or both...

I put a TODO list inline, if you need some features or if the script doesn'=
work for your application or it does not work as expected then please add a=
line to the TODO list (and tell me about it).

Have Fun!