[Kde-events] Hey dude, what's that, KDE? Some random notes about CeBit.

Frederik Gladhorn frederik.gladhorn at gmx.de
Mon Mar 10 21:50:12 CET 2008

> Uhm, what article?
Disregard my previous mail, I overlooked Carstens mail, sorry.

Things that could be added: I had a kid of maybe 12 yrs that wanted to know 
how to get KDE4 into opensuse, that was way cool I thought.

If anyone wants Carsten's and my slides I have them. There are exactly two 
pages, so it's not worth it I think.

It would also be nice if the talks which were live streamed, are available to 
link to maybe.

Oh, and on the sorry side - amarok and kde booths were too far away from each 
other, it would have been easier to help each other out if they were closer.

Otherwise I think the Linux New Media team was awesome and really enjoyed 
their support.

Greetings again,

Parley - The Vocabulary Trainer

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