[Kde-events] FOSDEM coordination?

Bart Coppens kde at bartcoppens.be
Wed Feb 6 20:08:22 CET 2008

On Tuesday 05 February 2008 23:37:03 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> I would be ok with the 14:30 slot and I think I should be able to prepare a
> 30 min talk until then.

> This would be in the gnome devroom then ? 
Yes. Technically, it's the Crossdesktop room which we share, though. 'Gnome 
devroom' sounds like it's only about Gnome, while on Sunday it isn't :-)

> Topic would be "CMake news and secrets" or something like that, i.e. mainly
> for developers who already know cmake (e.g. KDE developers) but here I will
> present some things which are either new or not widely know.
> Would that be appropriate for that devroom ?
Awesome. Could you provide the following information ASAP to the FOSDEM team 
at FOSDEM DevRooms <devrooms at fosdem.org> ?:

1) the speaker(s):
* real name
* contact information (optional): email, JID, IRC
* a photo (optional, although it's always nice)
* a short bio
* links to website, blog, ... (optional)
2) the talk/theme of the hacking session/...:
* title
* abstract (1-2 paragraphs)
* longer description
* links to project website, blogs, ...


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