[Kde-events] FOSDEM: Who will attend?

Rob Kaper cap@capsi.com
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 10:18:22 +0100

During the weekend of 8/9 February there will be another FOSDEM (Free and
Open Software Developer Meeting) in Brussels.

I'm wondering who is going and what arrangements have been made so far.

In particular:

- Promo: Is anyone holding a speech, workshop or other promotional tidbit? I
  heard David will hold a speech, anyone else with plans? Fabrice is trying
  to arrange dutch and english flyers and possibly polo shirts, see his
  efforts on kde-promo.

- Accomodations: Group arrangements for accomodations might be cheaper, so
  it could be wise to plan this ahead for those who are interested in
  coming.  Youth hostels are available in Brussels and most hotels have
  weekend discounts. Eva, is there (eV/League) budget for (partial)
  sponsoring of overnight costs like there was for LinuxTag?

- Key signing. Building a solid KDE web of trust is important if we are ever
  to adopt voting policies or require digital signatures for another reason. 
  I'm a bit scared of the phrase key signing "party", but FOSDEM might be a
  good opportunity to extend the web of trust.

Rob Kaper     | Gimme some love, gimme some skin,
cap@capsi.com | if we ain't got that then we ain't got much
www.capsi.com | and we ain't got nothing, nothing! -- "Nothing" by A