Suggestions on KGeography

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Mon Jul 25 20:44:34 BST 2022

El dilluns, 25 de juliol de 2022, a les 18:41:27 (CEST), 何 Hé 沛文 Pèiwén va 
> Hi,
> I am creating a series of updated maps for KGeography. I found that there
> could be some improvements.
> The mail system always reject my mail and call it spam. 

I don't understand why you would post to somewhere that dies in 20 hours. 
Seems like if you don't want people to read your email.

I'm posting here the contents of that privatebin

1. Use TSV format instead of kgm (XML), so the file can be lighter, and I can 
easily copy-paste tables on the web; add a TSV file to contain data of 
“mapFile”, “name”, “divisionsName”, “author”

2. Have a “maps” directory alongside “flags” and set the path of “mapFile” to 

3. Add a field “locale” and make it filterable in “Choose Map to Use”

4. Use hex colors instead of RGB, so I just need to type in one place instead 
of three

5. Integrate a color generator that can edit the color field, where a color is 
hashed from a division name, and conflicts are avoided

6. Add support to WebP and AVIF formats to save space from images

7. Zoom to the position of cursor

8. Ignore undefined colors, so I don't need to care about the varying colors on 
boundaries (field “ignore” and divisions requiring “yes” in it will be useless 
and can be removed)

9. Make the tooltip follow the cursor's location and change its content when 
the color of the pixel that the cursor points changes (icon to Wikipedia page 
will be useless and can be removed)

10. Have an option to change the font and flag size on the tooltip

> I post them here:
> NxuQ3wVm9
> []<
> 1298b52c3290d02#Gg9LGLkVokMBVPUKZWmU49TmgrvYkabqzxCNxuQ3wVm9>
> PrivateBin<
> mgrvYkabqzxCNxuQ3wVm9> Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to
> anyone allows them to access the note, too.

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