D27994: Improvement in Solar System Hints

Johnny Jazeix noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Mar 27 09:45:40 GMT 2020

jjazeix accepted this revision.
jjazeix added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

  Hi, under which name should I commit? "FirstName LastName <email>" for the syntax :)


> SolarSystem.qml:394
> +                else{
> +                    if(items.hintProvided)
> +                        displayDialog(hintDialog)

it should not be needed as we should not display the hint icon if no hint is provided (meaning we can't click on it)


To: anujyadav, #gcompris_improvements, jjazeix
Cc: jjazeix, timotheegiet, kde-edu, sanjayshetty, parimalprasoon, harrymecwan, ganeshredcobra, asagtani, nityanandkumar, echarruau, andreask, rahulyadav, narvaez, scagarwal, apol, bcoudoin
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