D27583: rebuild mosaic multiple dataset

Johnny Jazeix noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Mar 9 19:00:47 GMT 2020

jjazeix added a comment.

  I'm wondering if we should not have the image names in the dataset too so later we can choose which images to display


> Mosaic.qml:70
> +            property int questionLayoutRows
> +            property var dataType
>          }

it seems to be a string?

> Mosaic.qml:145
>                  spacing: 10
> -                columns: column.horizontal ? 2 : 1
> +                columns: column.verticalMode  ? (column.horizontal ? 1 : 1) : (column.horizontal ? 2 : 1)

why (column.horizontal ? 1 : 1)?

> Data.qml:33
> +            ],
> +            "dataType": "data1"
> +

it's not intuitive, we don't know what it means or does. Can you rename it?

  R2 GCompris


To: dekumar, #gcompris_improvements, jjazeix, timotheegiet, echarruau
Cc: kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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