D25060: Fixing ASTAP Path on OS X and Setting Autostar as default for PHD2 Guiding

Wolfgang Reissenberger noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Oct 30 23:05:55 GMT 2019

wreissenberger added a comment.

  > I'm not sure if we should change the KStars/Ekos default for checking the autostar box.  Currently the default is false, I just checked.
  I would warmly recommend changing the default behaviour to auto-star.
  For me it's questionable if we should override the auto-star selection in case of a meridian flip. When somebody decides not to use an automatic star selection, why does he want's to be guided when a meridian flip happens? Simply select auto-star and everything is fine.
  But I can live with it, if after a meridian flip the auto-star option is always set.
  Regarding the internal guider, the situation is worse. Currently, even if auto-star is selected, the position does not change after slews. See this discussion here: this thread in the INDI forum <https://www.indilib.org/forum/ekos/5894-scheduler-guider-calibration-how-to-enforce-re-calibration.html#45011>.

  R321 KStars


To: lancaster, mutlaqja
Cc: wreissenberger, murveit, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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