D22446: Adding error handling strategy control to Scheduler

Wolfgang Reissenberger noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Jul 14 21:09:06 BST 2019

wreissenberger marked 9 inline comments as done.
wreissenberger added a comment.

  Serialization changed as suggested, log messages corrected. Now we need to agree how to proceed with the problem, that restarting aborted jobs immediately conflicts with the idea of having multi-day schedules.
  @mutlaqja: what do you think?


> TallFurryMan wrote in scheduler.cpp:3912
> Enum-to-int conversions are dangerous, we should review this method at some point...


> TallFurryMan wrote in scheduler.cpp:3922
> The default value "true" is a bit lost in the code here, can we do better?
> Line 3942 for instance, startup procedure block, has the boolean flag present or not in the "StartupProcedure" element.
> The default is clear at lines 3929. Wouldn't that be better for maintenance?

Good point, changed.

> TallFurryMan wrote in scheduler.cpp:4491
> Comment on the reason of the setCurrentJob move?

There's no reason for - reverting it.

  R321 KStars


To: wreissenberger, mutlaqja, TallFurryMan
Cc: kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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