D17914: Add improved lesson for Italian

Simone Gaiarin noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Jan 2 11:47:30 GMT 2019

simgunz created this revision.
Herald added a project: KDE Edu.
Herald added a subscriber: kde-edu.
simgunz requested review of this revision.

  I think that the current KTouch trainer for Italian is suboptimal for the following reasons:
  - Too many letters learned at once in a lesson (up to eight per lesson!)
  - The first two lessons make the user use one single hand at the time
  - Too many lessons are mane of combination of characters instead of meaningful words (suboptimal for learning)
  - Lessons where symbols are taught include too few symbols respect the total number of typed characters
  The proposed lesson fix the previous problems, in particular:
  - Only the first three lessons includes combination of characters instead of meaningful words
  - All lessons make the user use both hands
  - The lessons where symbols are thaugh include a symbol after each word
  - The new symbols represent the 50% of all the symbols in the lesson
  - Added new lessons for numbers
  - The lessons for learning symbols and numbers include words of up to seven characters to minimize the time spent on typing letters instead of symbols/numbers
  The only drawback is that symbols are not learned in common phrases as the current italian lesson does, 
  but this provides the advantage of a more focused learning on the symbols with less time spent in typing text.

  R336 KTouch




To: simgunz
Cc: kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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