D16324: Disable trace mode in KmPlot before deleting tracing curve from the plot

Yuri Chornoivan noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Oct 20 07:03:28 BST 2018

yurchor marked an inline comment as done.
yurchor added inline comments.


> aacid wrote in parser.cpp:660
> I've no idea about kmplot so excuse me if what i say makes no sense :D
> My guess is here you would actually want to compare m_currentPlot.functionId with something from "Function *item"?
> I mean if you're removing a function that is not the plotted one does the view care?

Yes. That would be even better. Thanks.

  R334 KmPlot


To: yurchor, #kde_edu
Cc: aacid, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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