Cantor 17.12 crashes working with R and Sage backends and is very slow with some other ones on Arch Linux.

Alexander Semke alexander.semke at
Sun Jan 14 15:15:51 UTC 2018

Hi Fernando,

On 13.01.2018 19:49, Fernando de Morais wrote:
> Hello Alexander,
> I've been trying to recompile Cantor for enable the debug 
> possibilities, but I did not succeed. I run into a GPG error that I 
> can't solve.
> So I apologize for this failure of mine.
No reason to apologize here. GPG related error during the build? This is 
a bit strange. Can you provide the error message you get so we can help?

Many distribution provide additional packages containing the debug 
symbols, e.g. 'cantor-debuginfo' and 'libcantorlibs17-debuginfo' on 
It is sufficient to install them to get more meaningful debug output. 
Maybe you want to check whether such packages are provided for Cantor by 
Arch Linux, too.

Thanks and Regards,

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