LabPlot builds and runs with kf5

Alexander Semke Alexander.Semke at
Sun Mar 1 21:32:36 UTC 2015

> OK, just did verify that the fix worked and now it goes further with this:
>> [ 45%] [ 45%]
> /Users/marko/WC/KDECI-builds/kf5-qt5/labplot/src/kdefrontend/spreadsheet/Ra
> ndomValuesDialog.cpp:34:10: fatal error: 'gsl/gsl_rng.h' file not found
> #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
>          ^
> ---
> which is odd, since I am using the patch re the CMake prefix…
Do you have this file gs_rng.h on you system in  /opt/local/include/gsl/?


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