Parley: words remain in inital-stage
h3x32000-sf at
Tue Jun 16 08:37:05 UTC 2015
Hi Anša,
unfortunatly i failed to compile the 0.9.4 under the new enviorment. I suppose it had to do with
some qt stuff. But anyway i have now arranged a solution for me:
I wrote a script hat manipulates parley-files directly by replacing
if X >= 2. It is a little bit brute force but seems to have the wanted result.
Thank you very much for your help.
Greets, P.
On 15-06-2015 08:58, Anna Vernerová wrote:
> Hi P.,
> Parley is currently set to work with as many initial stages (called
> "preGrades" in the code) as there are normal levels. Their number is set in
> the variable KV_MAX_GRADE which is not part of the parley repository, but
> comes with the libkdeedu library - on my system, it is defined in the file
> / </usr/local/include/libkdeedu/keduvoctext.h>
> usr/local/include/libkdeedu/keduvoctext.h
> What I find particularly useful about the initial stages is that they
> increase the total number of levels to 14 (7 initial and 7 normal), AND
> allow me to skip directly from level 0 to level 8 (from New word to normal
> level 1 or 2, I am not quite sure how exactly it works) by marking my
> answer to a "New word" question as correct. I can skip the initial frequent
> revisions for words that I currently know but want to make sure that I do
> not forget them in the future. I use blocking times from 3,5 minutes to one
> week for the initial stages and from 2 weeks to a full year for the normal
> level - see below.
> Anyway, if you would still prefer to go completely without the initial
> stages (for example because it is annoying that there is no visualisation
> for your progress across the initial stages), I think you really have to go
> back to some previous version of parley. I am not sure about compiling the
> old 0.9.4, but I guess it should work. The last commit before the initial
> stages were introduced is a33aa6ae8c654d54a74f987741b613c6262da900 , so you
> can get the code by issuing the following in the command line:
> git clone git://
> git checkout a33aa6ae8c654d54a74f987741b613c6262da900
> Thank you for filing the wish report.
> Anša
> p.s. Here are my settings for the blocking times:
> initial stages (in the file parley/src/collection/entryfilter.cpp):
> 0,
> 3 * 60 + 30, // 1: 3.5 minutes
> 7 * 60, // 2: 7 minutes
> 15 * 60, // 3: 15 minutes
> 16 * 3600, // 4: 16 h (next day)
> 42 * 3600, // 5: almost 2 days (but allow a 6 h
> difference in the practice time)
> 90 * 3600, // 6: almost 4 days (but allow a 6 h
> difference in the practice time)
> 7 * 24 * 3600, // 7: a week
> normal levels (blocking times set in parley settings):
> 2 weeks level 1
> 4 weeks level 2
> 2 months level 3
> 4 months level 4
> 6 months level 5
> 10 months level 6
> 12 months level 7
> This means it takes about three years for a word to get all the way to
> level 7, so it provides some extra long term revision.
> 2015-06-14 15:53 GMT+02:00 h3x32000-sf <h3x32000-sf at>:
>> Hi Anša,
>> thank you very much for you explanation.
>> But if i got it right, it's not possible to switch off the initial-stages
>> or to reduce their number
>> by tuning the blocking times. That's a pity.
>> I have now made a wish report as you suggested and i will try to downdate
>> to 0.9.4. I had already
>> done this in the last weeks by installing the old wheezy-packages in the
>> jessie-environment. It
>> worked for me for some weeks and then probably after updating something
>> else it began to crash every
>> time.
>> Perhaps its possible to to compile the old 0.9.4 sources against the new
>> environment?
>> Greets, P
>> On 13-06-2015 23:15, Anna Vernerová wrote:
>>> Hi P.,
>>> there are seven hard-coded initial stages, after which the words go
>> through
>>> the usual "pots" (levels) as before. The time intervals for the initial
>>> stages are all between a few minutes and 8 hours. The idea is to provide
>>> extra intensive training of new words (and to replace the old "require
>>> three consecutive right answers" option). Currently, the only way to
>> change
>>> the behaviour is to compile parley from sources (and change the intervals
>>> for these initial stages before compiling). In all other aspects, the
>>> initial stages behave just as usual levels, that is, if you answer a word
>>> correctly, it goes onto the next initial stage (or, from the last initial
>>> stage, to the usual level 2), and if you answer incorrectly, it drops all
>>> the way to the beginning.
>>> You can find the sources here:
>>> I am not very experienced with compiling, but here is what I do on a
>>> Kubuntu system. The following procedure should work on Kubuntu 14.10 or
>>> 15.04 - it does not work on 14.04 or older, in which case you would have
>> to
>>> clone some older version of the code from the repo (just write to me and
>> I
>>> will tell you which version works for me on Kubuntu 14.04).
>>> - uninstall parley
>>> - open the konsole
>>> - the following command will create a directory called "parley" in the
>>> current directory, and download the source files into it:
>>> git clone git://
>>> - alter the intervals right at the top of the file
>>> src/collection/entryfilter.cpp (the format is self-explanatory)
>>> - then start Kdevelop and create a project containing the "parley"
>> directory
>>> - press the "build" button
>>> - the file your_current_directory/parley/build/src/parley is the file
>> that
>>> you should use for opening parley
>>> It would be great if you could file a "bug/wish report" at
>>> Anša
>>> 2015-06-12 10:12 GMT+02:00 h3x32000-sf <h3x32000-sf at>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> i have a question about the parley stages:
>>>> Since updating to Parley 1.1.1 under debian, once wrong answered words
>>>> remain in an inital stage and
>>>> do not re-enter in the vocabulary-pots anymore. Also the
>>>> blocking-configuration is not working as
>>>> expected for these words. It seems, there is a second level-structure
>>>> called "confidence" that is
>>>> counting up. So, a right answered word doesnt jump to the secound pot
>> but
>>>> is remaining out of the
>>>> pots and the confidence level is counting up. In the top right corner in
>>>> the practice window is then
>>>> written something like "initial, confidence 3"
>>>> How do i get rid of this?
>>>> Thak you for some help, i already asked google, but without sucess...
>>>> Greets, P.
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