[Parley-devel] Some more ideas after a 2nd test of parley on OSX

"Marko Käning" mk-lists at email.de
Sat Nov 29 16:38:44 UTC 2014

Hi Inge,

there are a few more points we've spotted just now:

1) It would be good if the application would size the font of the practiced word(s)
   according to the dialog's size, so that the user is really faced with the task!

2) Also all the buttons in the practice dialog need to be much bigger and perhaps
   show a matchin icon, so that the learner doesn't need to read their text labels.

3) The hotkeys do not work on OSX. :(

4) In "Envoi_6.kvhtml" there is a supposedly German word "das Poulet", but I have
   never heard of it...


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