Spaced repetition and Leitner boxes

Andreas Cord-Landwehr cordlandwehr at
Thu Mar 6 21:20:23 UTC 2014

Hi, in my opinion a combination of variant 2 and 3 would be a good solution.

Looking at both learning models, I would roughly distinguish between Leitner boxes as 
being a technique working well to maintain a vocabulary list in the long term memory, 
and time interval learning as a technique working well to get words into the long term 

If this assumption is true, it would make sense to start with time interval learning when 
learning a set of new words (eg. all unlearned words in a lesson plus words in boxes 1 
and 2) and later switch over to Leitner boxes when the focus is on maintaining the 

When using a time-based approach for only a "warm-up" phase/initial learning of a set 
of words, it shouldn't be necessary to change the kvtml format but to have the interval 
information at runtime, and put "well" learned words then into the first Leitner box for 
later long-term memory learning.

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