[Labplot-devel] A "hello", a couple of question and a "feature request"

Ricardo Berlasso rgb.mldc at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 23:54:50 UTC 2014

Thanks for the info. I'll see what can I do.


2014-03-02 22:35 GMT+01:00 Alexander Semke <Alexander.Semke at web.de>:

> Hi Ricardo,
> > I'm interested on helping the project. I'm not a programmer, but I can
> help
> > translating content into Spanish and, if nobody else is available, into
> > Italian. I am Physicists and I used to use Origin a lot of years ago
> > (version 6 maybe, I can't remember!) and at least one plot on my PhD
> thesis
> > was done on an old LabPlot version :) But I'm not doing research right
> now
> > (you know, the infamous "crisis").
> Thank you for your interest in LabPlot.
> > So here there are my questions:
> >
> > - Which translation tools do you use? For some years I helped to
> translate
> > another open source project that use a pootle server, and a couple of
> times
> > I used Lokalize (I cannot say that I master it, but it is not difficult
> to
> > use).
> We moved to the kde infrastructure and the translation is done by kde's
> i18n-
> team. Maybe Yuri can say more about how you could contribute here.
> > - With the project moving to KDE's infrastructure, I think also mailing
> > list will migrate. Is that right?
> We communicate now on kde-edu mailing list. But the old labplot-devel is
> still
> active and you'll get responses there too. But please, if you don't mind,
> use
> kde-edu since this should become the official way in feature.
> > Finally, the feature request.
> >
> > The new UI is great and really makes the program easy to use: it's a huge
> > leap from the 1.6 experience, good work! But I think there is a small
> > problem, even if I'm not sure how to solve it.
> >
> > When you create a plot and select an item to modify its characteristics,
> > the object s highlighted in blue. While this highlight helps to recognize
> > which object is being edited, it have the problem that some of the
> changes
> > will not be visible until you unselect the object.
> >
> > For example, suppose you have a plot with symbols and lines. If you click
> > on the line in order to change its colour, you'll only see blue until you
> > unselect the line by clicking outside the plot! That means that you
> cannot
> > see the property you are changing while you change it! It took me a while
> > to discover that changing colours in fact worked...
> Yes, I'm aware of this problem and this is really annoying for the case
>  you
> just described. I agree.
> > Is it possible, instead of highlighting the object on blue (or any other
> > colour) to _dim_ the rest of the plot? I think this will be more clear
> for
> > the user.
> Yes, something like this would help. I thought of using kind of blur effect
> for the selected objects. To draw the selection region bigger that the
> actual
> object would also help. In this case you'll see the blue line for the
> selection but also the actual color of the, e.g., curve you're editing now.
> But I think a nice blur effect will look better.
> Regards
> Alexander
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