LabPlot+Cantor for GSOC 2014?

Alexander Rieder alexanderrieder at
Tue Feb 11 14:22:00 UTC 2014

Am 2014-02-10 22:06, schrieb Alexander Semke:
> Hi all,
> I think, it would be great to get a person working intensively a couple of
> days/weeks on the integration of LabPlot and Cantor. Or is this something that
> we can do on our own before GSOC 2014 starts?
> Any thoughts on this?
> Best regards
> Alexander

as Aleix said GSoc is meant for a whole summer,
and basic integration shouldn't take too long, but I also think it 
shouldn't be too hard to come up with a long enough wishlist to keep a 
student busy for a while :-). So I think something among those lines 
could make a good project, as it offers some low hanging fruit at the 
beginning to get the student familiar with the projects but has a lot of 
opportunity for cool stuff. Would you be available to mentor (or co-mentor)?
I think you should add this to the ideas page at [1] and then we can see 
if we get any good proposals for it or if we will have to do it 
ourselves eventually.

best regards,


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