AW: Frameworks status for KDE Edu

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Mon Dec 29 21:26:43 UTC 2014

El Dilluns, 29 de desembre de 2014, a les 10:16:52, Torsten Rahn va escriure:
> > Marble has a weird code-base that compiles both in Qt4 and Qt5. They
> > don't use KF5 because they can't, as we don't have KF5 in Qt4... ^^'
> > If there's somebody interested in marble around (CC) with questions,
> > please ask!
> Sorry, but that's just nonsense.
> We don't have a "weird" code base. 

You do have a weird code base. A library that can be compiled both with Qt4 
and Qt5 is weird.


> Marble mostly consists of a library that
> can be compiled with Qt4 as well as Qt5. This isn't particularly unusual
> since Qt5 isn't too different from Qt4 in terms of APIs and since Marble
> relies on Qt's core APIs which haven't changed much.
> A KF5 port can be done and would certainly be an easy task for somebody with
> KF5 experience: You basically take the existing "marble-kde" folder which
> consists of about 2500 loc:
> tackat at tackat-ThinkPad-T500:~/marble/sources/src/apps/marble-kde$ wc -l
> kdemain.cpp 408 kdemain.cpp
> tackat at tackat-ThinkPad-T500:~/marble/sources/src/apps/marble-kde$ wc -l
> KdeMainWindow.cpp 190 KdeMainWindow.cpp
> tackat at tackat-ThinkPad-T500:~/marble/sources/src/apps/marble-kde$ wc -l
> marble_part.cpp 1947 marble_part.cpp
> I guess the best approach is to copy that folder over to marble-kf5 and do
> the porting. The code in these 2500 lines mostly deals with KPart and
> KConfig. For classes where KDE classes have disappeared code can be
> borrowed from the source/src/apps/marble-qt directory which contains a Qt
> based feature-compatible client.
> Best Regards,
> Torsten
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