Parley frameworks branch

Andreas Xavier andxav at
Mon Aug 4 18:02:01 UTC 2014


Thank you for the comments.

---- On Sun, 03 Aug 2014 15:44:33 -0700 Aleix Pol<aleixpol at> wrote ---- 

 >>  KDialog supported standardized buttons that are now missing. i.e. download dialogs are missing ok/cancel buttons
 > KDialog in KDELibs4Support should still support this.
I found QDialogButtonBox and ported away from KDELibs4Support today.
 >>  KLineEdit had a clear button that is not supported. - search field is missing clear field button
 > If you use the correct QPT (you need frameworks integration) and the Oxygen style. You'll get it correctly. Also should work with QLineEdit.
Thank you for pointing this out I will use it in the future.
 >>  <KRecentFilesAction> doesn't exist, so there is not list of recent files
 > It does exist, it's in KConfigWidgets.
I will also use this. 
 > And yes, Unit Tests would be very welcome ;).
 > Aleix 

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