Fwd: help needed for 4.14 release promo

Filipe Saraiva filipe at kde.org
Sat Aug 2 14:54:35 UTC 2014

Hello KDE-Edu community;

Let's provide information about KDE-Edu softwares features/bugs
KDE 4.14 release is comming!


See the e-mail below.

Best regards;

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Assunto: 	help needed for 4.14 release promo
Data: 	Thu, 31 Jul 2014 15:50:16 -0700
De: 	Carl Symons <carlsymons at gmail.com>
Responder a: 	kde-devel at kde.org
Para: 	kde-devel at kde.org
CC: 	KDE Promo <kde-promo at kde.org>

Hello KDE-devel,

4.14 final release is on August 20th. We want to get the word out as 
usual with an announcement and a story on the Dot. The work that you do 
is the foundation for the KDE Community. Please help us support you.

We usually feature new and improved stuff. The Promo team needs content 
in order to do that with the August 20th release. There is not much 
information on techbase 
(https://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.14_Feature_Plan) and the 
latest commit-digest.org issue was published on May 18th.

Would you please provide newsworthy dev items at:

A KDE Identity account is required for login.

Thank you for your help.


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