
Inge Wallin inge at
Sat Apr 12 08:01:25 UTC 2014

On Friday, April 11, 2014 16:45:38 Aman SIngh wrote:
> Hi
> I am a B.Tech 1st year student at Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur.
> I know coding in C and want to cotribue to open source through Parley.
> Please tell me how I can contribute to Parley and solve any Bug if possible.
> Thank You
> Aman
> Fresher, CSE
> IIT Jodhpur

Hi Aman,

Very nice to see you here.  If you haven't coded anything in C++ yet, then you 
might have a bit of a challenge ahead of you, but don't let that frighten you. 
We will do what we can in order to help you.

Your first step should be to build the application that you want to work on, in 
this case Parley. If you haven't done that yet, then [1] is a good resource to 
help you do that. 

Next step will be to choose something to work on. In the Parley bugzilla[2] 
you will find a number of bugs and wishes, some of which are relatively easy 
and some which could be quite hard. I don't agree with Avinash that you should 
look into the GSoC ideas, though, since they are intended for experienced C++ 
and Qt hackers and the time expected for a project is 3 months full time. 

You can look through the parley bugs and wishes - and maybe you have an idea 
of your own - and see if you find anything that suits you. I will also look a 
little and see if I can come up with a good suggestion.


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