Review Request 114692: Better Plotter2D

Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuasi percy.camilo.ta at
Tue Dec 31 18:15:28 UTC 2013


On 31/12/13 04:48, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> Please use reviewboard to answer reviewboard emails, otherwise following the
> whole discussion is impossible.

I thought that my replies will go directly to rb site too. In a minute, 
I'll reupload my comments on rb then, no problem. Apologies for that Albert.

> El Dimarts, 31 de desembre de 2013, a les 01:04:53, Percy Camilo Triveño
> Aucahuasi va escriure:
>> Hi,
>> On 29/12/13 19:45, Aleix Pol Gonzalez wrote:
>>> analitzaplot/plottingenums.h
>>> <
>>> ne37> (Diff revision 1)
>>> enum CoordinateSystem {
>>> 35
>>> enum  CoordinateSystem  {
>>> 	37
>>> enum  CoordinateSystem
>>> Unrelated changes, please don't commit those brace movements
>> No, that is a good change, we need to have uniform code style, please
>> don't comment about non important aspects of the patch.
> That is unrelated, noone is saying uniform code style is bad, what Aleix is
> saying is that if you mix styling changes with code changes in a single review
> it makes it much harder to review.

git diff analitzaplot/plottingenums.h

give me only 4 changes about corrections in the code style, I don't know 
if that is very hard to manage it, but just for the sake of don't waste 
more time I will avoid to commit those changes and create another review 
(yes invest more time) just for that few changes.

> Cheers,
>    Albert


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