Interested in participating for GSoC and GNOME OPW

Alexander Rieder alexanderrieder at
Mon Apr 8 16:07:53 UTC 2013

Am Montag, 8. April 2013, 12:07:48 schrieb Savita Seetaraman:
> Hello all,
> My name is Savita Seetaraman and I am currently pursuing the third of year
> of my under graduate studies (Bachelor of Technology in Computer and
> Science Engineering).
> I would like to participate in GSoC and GNOME OPW this year. I went through
> the list of GSoC ideas for the years 2013 and 2012 and found the GSoC 2012
> idea for "Python backend for Cantor", particularly interesting. I would
> like to contribute to Cantor.
> I have good knowledge in C, C++ and Python. Could you give me suggestions
> about how to get started ?
> Thanks and regards,
> Savita.

thank you for your interest in Cantor. There has already been some work on a 
Python backend for Cantor, it can be found in the python-backend branch of our 
git repository. I'm not entirely sure about its current status, but maybe you 
could check it out. It was developed by Filipe Saraiva 
<filip.saraiva at> so he should probably be able to give you details. 
I'd be happy to see you contribute to Cantor but I'm not sure if I can be a 
mentor for GSoC this year, as I'm currently quite busy with university. If you 
have any questions I'll certainly be around but I can't promise you a fast 
response time and don't really want additional responsibility. So if you want 
to work on Cantor for gsoc someone else would have to step up.(Anyone around 
to help?)

best regards,
Alexander Rieder

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