KAlgebra/Analitza, improve equations support

Harsh Sharma harsh.ksharma1234 at gmail.com
Mon May 7 04:49:33 UTC 2012

Hi Aleix,

I think you are right that it will be enjoyable for me to work on improving
the equation solving support. I am thinking first to get command on the
code completely, as it will be better for me to understand the flow of the
code first to make any change. I have already started to work on it but I
am thinking to spend some more time on it.
Regarding the work I cant get that you said to look into the
Analyzer::findRoots* methods.can you explain me.

And yaa finally I really like the idea that you have said to support unit
conversions somehow integrated with the system. its really nice to
implement it as it definitely increase the strength of it.I love to do work
in it.

Harsh Sharma
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