
Sebastian Gottfried sebastiangottfried at web.de
Fri May 4 19:54:34 UTC 2012

Hi Peter,

> >   * restricted portability, because keyboard layout detection depends on X
> I wrote some keyboard layout detection code for WordQuiz (the Qt-only
> version of KWordQuiz) that works on Mac, Windows and X11. I have
> considered including it in KDE, but I don't know how feasible that would
> be. It's available at
> https://github.com/phedlund/WordQuiz/tree/master/app/src. There is a
> common header and three different implementation files.
I would certainly not object to base the keyboard layout detection on your 
code, but there are still still a few problems to sort out:

 * only the Mac backend is able to report the current keyboard layout, all
  other backends just return a null string.
 * it would be necessary that the reported keyboard layout names are
  consistent over all systems

Right I've have only a Linux development setup, I could also create one under 
Windows, but I definitely don't have access to a Mac, so I would need some 
help to integrate this feature.

Best regards,

Sebastian Gottfried

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