Cantor Project for GSoc

Alexander Rieder alexanderrieder at
Sun Mar 18 15:02:52 UTC 2012

On Sunday 18 March 2012 09:23:45 Srijan Tiwari wrote:
> hey everyone,
> The project idea of developing python backend for cantor appeared
> interesting to me.
> It will be great if somebody tells me who is mentoring that for GSoC , as
> the 'ideas' page writes
> "a mentor from Cantor Project" instead of an identity.
> Regards
> Srijan Tiwari

unless there is someone else around here (maybe with more detailled python 
knowledge than me), who is willing to mentor this one, I am willing to mentor 
one Cantor related Summer of Code project this year.

best regards,
Alexander Rieder

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