KmPlot sliders usage and associated bug

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at
Fri Mar 2 10:01:52 UTC 2012


There is a bug about the 
Sliders dialog. A patch is proposed but I am not satisfied with it. 
Technically the patch works and the student did well. But in my opinion, 
the problem must be tackled in another way and for that we need KmPlot 
developers and power users to help.

I'd like some highlights on the following points about KmPlot Sliders 
dialog and design decisions, especially point 3):

1) In the View class we already have 2 methods [void 
sliderWindowClosed(); and void slidersWindowClosed();] for setting the 
m_menuSliderAction to false. So instead of adding a new method this 
should be fixed here. And see why there are 2 such methods.
2) Is there a need for a toggle action as the dialog is either shown or 
not (doesn't it behave exactly as the Coordinate System dialog?) I would 
make it a simple action "Show Sliders..." to open the dialog.
3) As I said in the mail when we discussed this bug, the sliders 
behavior should be clarified. According to the sliders modify a 
parameter value. If there is no parameter, the dialog does nothing, as 
does nothing checking "Slider 1" in the tab. So should this be available 
at all in those cases?

Best regards,



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