Last call for Randa 2012 registration

Marco Calignano marco.calignano at
Tue Jun 26 09:28:20 UTC 2012

hi Mario,

I'll attend to my first kde-edu meeting.
I'll present a promo presentation for a meeting with kindergarten
teachers I have in October to promote computer KDE and KDE-edu
in preschool environment.
I'll present a new concept for games based on group learning theory
also for pre-school children.
I'll hope to get to know better some people (it is my first time) and
I think this is also important


On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Mario Fux <edu-ml at> wrote:
> Morning gals and guys
> Please sent me a 5 to 10 sentences summary on what you plan to do in Randa in
> September. I'll forward this together with the budget to the e.V. board.
> Thx
> Mario
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