FeetWetCoding: Trying to make learning C++ a little more fun!

Robert Holder robert at feetwetcoding.com
Fri Aug 24 11:58:29 UTC 2012

On 8/24/2012 5:12 AM, Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> Robert,
> I worked for a full semester on Rocs, at university, just to show a
> teacher what I could do for Graph-Theory, he tougth it was nice, asked
> for some students to try, no one tried, he didn't forced any. I
> approached KDE - Edu , talked to Annma, put my program on KDE, in
> three months a guy that lives more than 10.000km than me appeared to
> help the project ( Wagner ), and we worked as a pair for a while, then
> Andreas appeared ( from Germany, I think ), and boosted the program
> quite a lot. I mean, I didn't had the visibility for the project
> working on my own, but since my program was together with the whole
> KDE stack, people tried, used and helped. :)
> Tomaz

That's awesome!  I'm glad I came here, it seems like there are motivated 
people here!

Did you see the section in my previous message where I talked about 
skype/conference calling?  Maybe it was dumb for me to combine messages 
like that.  I was just trying to reduce the number of messages I'm 
sending to the list :-)  Sorry if it was confusing.

Thanks Tomaz!


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