[kde-edu]: Re: [GSOC] How to submit my own ideas

Victor Carbune victor.carbune at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 08:43:03 CEST 2011


Glad you are interested in doing a Google Summer of Code with KDE Edu!

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 3:37 AM, Virtosu Sava <virtosu.sava at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm Sava, student from University of Technology of Moldova from Chisinau.
> I want to participe to GSOC 2011, and I'm looking for an interesting
> project. I know a lot about EduKDE project because I use some programs from
> this project very often and I thought maybe I can help to impruve some of
> yours products. Actually i want to propose my ideas for developing
> KGeography(because i really like this soft, and it seams to be very
> interesting to improve it), and the problem is that I don't know to who I
> need to ask for helping in submit some proposals, or maybe to transmit some
> ideas about how to impruve this project. Could you help me with some info
> about how do I can do this?
Since there are no ideas posted about KGeography, the best place to
start such a discussion is on the kde-edu mailing list (CCed in my
reply). Make sure you subscribe to our list.

Would anyone be able to help Sava with more information about KGeography?


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