[kde-edu]: R: Re: Kartesio

LucaTringali TRINGALINVENT at libero.it
Sun Mar 27 14:12:40 CEST 2011

Well, it's just a little more complex: maxima does only the part of solving 
function, but the algorithm for best fit is implemented into Kartesio, and 
can't be done with maxima commands. Plus, the interface of Kartesio has been 
designed for this particular use, while Cantor is fundamentally a paper for 
mathematical calculations. It could be a good idea to write a plugin for 
that works with Kartesio as a backend, but I should think about how this 
be done.

Luca Tringali

>>----Messaggio originale----
>>Da: aspotashev at gmail.com
>>Data: 27/03/2011 13.24
>>A: <kde-edu at kde.org>, "LucaTringali"<TRINGALINVENT at libero.it>
>>Ogg: Re: [kde-edu]: Kartesio
>>2011/3/27 LucaTringali <TRINGALINVENT at libero.it>:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> I wrote a program that takes a series of points, a generic curve, and 
>>> to give a best fit. I called it Kartesio, it works using maxima to solve
>>> functions and KDE libraries for the UI.
>>> For example, if you give it (1;0) (2;3) (3;7) (4;8) (5;11) and the 
>>> y=a*x+b, it will return y=3*x -3, and plot it to show differences between
>>> the best fit curve and the original points. It can also export the results
>>> into an svg image, a latex document (using pstricks).
>>> Give it a look, and tell me what do you think:
>>> http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=scratch%2Flucatringali%2Fkartesio.git&a=summary
>>> Here's a screenshot:
>>> https://docs.google.com/leaf?
>>> Could it be included into kde-edu collection? What does it miss?
>>As your application uses Maxima, the same thing can probably be done
>>as a plugin for Cantor (http://edu.kde.org/applications/all/cantor/).
>>Alexander Potashev

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