[kde-edu]: Re: Dates for the KDE Edu meeting 2011 in Bilbao

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Sat Jan 29 18:29:40 CET 2011

On Tuesday 25 January 2011, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 25, 2011, Aleix Pol wrote:
> > That would mean, in the end, that this sprint would take from the 7th to
> > 11th April.
> i might be able to make it. the reason for my being there would be to
> continue working towards Plasma Classroom (some early infrastructure bits
> have started to be put in place, but not much else beyond that yet). i'd
> be travelling from Zurich, so travel time and expense shouldn't be too
> bad. so i'm interested if you'll have me. i won't be able to confirm my
> attendance probably until sometime in late february, however :/

oddball proposal (maybe a bit late to organize/fit?)

could the location either a) fit more people and/or b) for longer?
could be done something like making kdeedu+tokamak, but with the two only 
partially overlapping (like half a week kdeedu, then plasma folks invade, half 
a week of meeting with everyone, half a week with plasma) with of course who 
can/want be for whole thing be welcome to do so.
this would make:
easier/cheaper for who is interested in both, cheaper for ev for eventual 
but with the both being only partially overlapping, we get both broader 
dicussions, and time for a more small, focused sprint.

of course there is a ginormous other face of the coin, the additional burden 
for whoever organizes/puts the place could make it a big big no go.

Marco Martin

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