[kde-edu]: some porting of deprecated stuff

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 18:04:19 CET 2011

Hi all,
in the effort of making packages from MeeGo, there is a nice counter effect:
the build there is made with the mobile platform profile that excludes all 
things marked as deprecated, so making something build there means getting rid 
of all usage of deprecated old stuff, and that's nice ;)
I've now sent some reviews of marble,cantor and ktouch (that were the easy 

(btw it's there on meego obs 

 to make kdeedu fully build still 4 are needed, but in this case also for the 
dependency to the kutils library that is not available in the mobile profile, 
so i don't know what would be he best thing t do, if it would have to be make 
conditional, or if kutils needs to be enabled there...


Marco Martin

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