[kde-edu]: Re: kde-edu git repos to validate

Peter Hedlund peter at peterandlinda.com
Fri Feb 11 02:17:26 CET 2011

I have successfully built libkdeedu and kwordquiz standalone.

Thanks to everyone involved.


On Feb 8, 2011, at 8:22 AM, Peter Hedlund wrote:

> In terms of history I am happy with the repo.
> I agree with Frederik about a libkeduvocdocument.
> Thanks,
> Peter
> On Feb 8, 2011, at 7:01 AM, Ian Monroe wrote:
>> A similar questions is what to do with the 'data' directory.
>> Anyways I don't have a dog in the race, just tell me what to do. :)
>> Once these questions get sorted out, I'll make a new repo (with the
>> latest history so we can actually test the builds this time).
>> Ian
>> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 02:39, Frederik Gladhorn <gladhorn at kde.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> looking at the "libkdeedu" repo, I would almost suggest renaming it to
>>> "libkeduvocdocument" or some other fancy name. The widget subdirectory seems
>>> empty of sensible contents (?) the qtmmlwidget contains one qwidget which
>>> seems to be a qt solution copy. I don't know if anyone is using it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Frederik
>>> (and thanks!)
>>> On Monday 7. February 2011 23.35.56 Ian Monroe wrote:
>>>> I've only done a basic look over on each repo (looked at branches,
>>>> made sure each only had one parentless commit), plan on doing more
>>>> tonight. But really it helps to know the history of the code  to know
>>>> if everything looks right. Also if folks could do build tests that
>>>> would be helpful.
>>>> The repos are dated from the 13th or so.
>>>> You can see them under scratch/ianmonroe at http://quickweb.kde.org
>>>> To clone them all, launch `ruby`, copy the following code and end on a
>>>> newline + ctrl-d.
>>>> [
>>>> "blinken",
>>>> "cantor",
>>>> "kalgebra",
>>>> "kalzium",
>>>> "kanagram",
>>>> "kbruch",
>>>> "kgeography",
>>>> "khangman",
>>>> "kig",
>>>> "kiten",
>>>> "klettres",
>>>> "kmplot",
>>>> "kstars",
>>>> "ktouch",
>>>> "kturtle",
>>>> "kwordquiz",
>>>> "libkdeedu",
>>>> "marble",
>>>> "parley",
>>>> "rocs",
>>>> "step"
>>>> ].each { |project|
>>>> `git clone git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/ianmonroe/#{project}`
>>>> }
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