Want to Contribute to KDE-Edu Community.

Eike Krumbacher eike.krumbacher at x-eike.de
Sun Dec 18 18:22:40 UTC 2011

Hi Ankit!

Here are my suggestions. :-)

Am 18.12.11 11:51, schrieb Ankit Bhatnagar:
> I hope to help the community with my skills and in turn, learn a lot as
> well. Any suggestions/information to begin contributing, is
> well-appreciated.

* All projects within KDE need help. If you like to contribute, you have 
to learn C++ and Qt by heart. :-)

* Take a tour on git, diff, patch and

* You should build up a devel environment and have a look for apps, 
which might be useful for you. And then try to make them as good as 

* There is one app arround in KDE-EDU, kmplot, which does not have a 
There are lots of things to do, to make kmplot shiny again. Would you 
like to take a step?

Kde development is a lot of fun.



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