Want to Contribute to KDE-Edu Community.

Tomaz Canabrava tcanabrava at kde.org
Sun Dec 18 13:20:56 UTC 2011

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Ankit Bhatnagar
<ankitbhatnagar2012 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> This is Ankit Bhatnagar - Third-year Undergraduate, Computer Science
> Engineering - University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Panjab
> University, Chandigarh ( India ). I wish to contribute to the KDE-Edu
> projects or rather to the entire KDE Community as a whole. I have fair
> proficiency in C/C++ development, though I've just begun experimenting with
> Qt/QML. I've also been working with Web Development of-late and do have a
> grasp of things associated.
> I hope to help the community with my skills and in turn, learn a lot as
> well. Any suggestions/information to begin contributing, is
> well-appreciated.


It's a bit hard on 'where to start contributing', because if you wanna
help us doing something, must be something that you will like to do.
we have a very good amount of software, and we always welcome new
partners, but what do you want do do?

if you need to learn Qt, I sugest you to play with some easy
educational apps or games, till the time that you feel confortable to
do something more challenging.

you can take a look here, at the techbase, for some information on how
to get started.


> Wishes.
> Ankit Bhatnagar.
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