[kde-edu]: survey results - KWordQuiz

Lydia Pintscher lydia at kde.org
Wed Jan 6 20:29:15 CET 2010

Hi Peter :)

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 20:14, Peter Hedlund <peter at peterandlinda.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 06 January 2010 07:59:44 am Lydia Pintscher wrote:
>> There is something for everyone ;-)
> Thank you!
> Looking at the responses for KWordQuiz I have the following comments:
>> It has problems with asking questions and taking an answer from me. For
>> example answer in the table is "das Spielzeug", I answer "das Spielzeug"
>> but it says the correct answer is "das Spielzeu" etc.
>> I should debug the
>> program or something, but... I have no time and don't know how to track
>> this error.
> I cannot reproduce this. Could the reporter get back to me or (better) file a
> bug report with the offending vocabulary attached.

I emailed him asking to get back to you by email or file a bug.

>> Lack of session saver. This is big pain when you have large
>> words database (>500) and it's rather doubtful that you will answer all
>> questions at once. It puts you in situation when you can't close KWordQuiz,
>> turn off your computer etc.
>> Ability to save current state of test would be
>> welcome or at least a button to end current test and just repeat question
>> with wrong answers - repetitions are most important elements in learning
>> process.
> Quiz -> Export Errors As... should be of some help. More advanced session
> management would be something for the future...
>> It's too easy to accidentally break learning session by clicking
>> any of icons from the left (Editor, Flashcard, etc.). There's no
>> confirmation dialog nor anything.
>> It would be nice to have one (but active
>> only when user already answered at least one question and there's at least
>> one question without answer/with wrong answer).
> Recent versions should be better and only switch by direct clicks or assigned
> shortcuts.
> This type of interface is very common in KDE and should be familiar to most
> users. Kontact, Okular and KMyMoney comes to mind as well as all configuration
> dialogs. Personally I find confirmation dialogs extremely annoying.
>> when trying to answer the
>> questions with errors the program don't show the questions
>> Just fix it to
>> work as on previous versions
> Nothing has changed. I cannot reproduce this. Could the reporter get back to
> me or (better) file a bug report with the offending vocabulary attached.

Emailed as well.


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager
kde.org - amarok.kde.org - kubuntu.org

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