[kde-edu]: Fwd: Re: inclusion of MathematiK in kdeedu

Christoph Burgmer cburgmer at ira.uka.de
Wed Sep 2 13:23:53 CEST 2009

Am Dienstag, 1. September 2009 schrieb Alexander Rieder:
> On Tuesday 01 September 2009 16:05:23 Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> > Why not Cantor instead of Kantor ?
> don't know, I kinda like K's ;-) but it's not a strong opinion.
> > and, that maybe a bad naming for brazil , it can cause a lot of
> > misunderstanding, since it means 'Singer' here.
> damn, why is it so difficult to find a good name?

Should be the Latin origin 'cantare'. I believe there are far worse names to 
choose from (e.g. don't base your name on Immanuel Kant), and you'll probably 
always find some language where your word already has some form of connotation.
Maybe check with the translation team first.

My 2 cents

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