[kde-edu]: parley
Andreas Kainz
andreas_k at abwesend.de
Mon Nov 23 01:48:45 CET 2009
realy nice.
I started only with some animals and when I look after some pictures I
find out that it will be a good way to use openclipart.
Why? Because there are a lot of pictures.
I don't know if it is a good idea to use openclipart but for some
simple pictures it will be ok. isn't it?
There are realy a lot of words in your google document.
How can I help?
I can make pictures or whatever.
2009/11/22 Sabine Emmy Eller <s.eller at voxhumanitatis.org>:
> On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Andreas Kainz <andreas_k at abwesend.de>
> wrote:
>> ok that work for me.
>> I'll make a wordlist (german/english) that works fine and it was also
>> no problem to use the wordlist in parley and kwordquiz.
>> At the next step I'll make a animal quiz for kids (german - english)
>> with pictures and sound. And there I have some questions:
> Hi Andreas,
> I will get you access to our wordlist eng-deu - for now it's still a google
> document. quite some terms for kids are in there. Categories are being added
> right now. Eventually you can add pictures and sound to these entries. I
> have a new version of the eng-deu kvtml file as well. The same terminology
> is available in approx. 15-20 languages. This means that if we can combine
> our work adding a further column where we add your lesson categories to the
> terms and creating the files based on that we could get the animal quiz
> immediately in all other languages as well.
> I hope your e-mail address works with gmail.
> Cheers, Sabine
> p.s. for all: I still have quite a list of e-mails to read/answer from the
> weeks my family had the flu - so if I did not answer some messages, it could
> simply be that I did not see the e-mail.
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Dipl.-Ing. Kainz Andreas
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