[kde-edu]: How does Paley use its configuration?

Nadav Vinik nadavvin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 11:06:42 CET 2009


I try to fix problem in Parley which the setting of "Number of
choices" not affect on the quiz.
Unfortunately, from yesterday I stuck in understanding how I can use
in the configuration dialog.
I didn't success to find in the code how the other parts use in the

For example I search for 'kcfg_AltLearn' :
$ find|xargs grep -n kcfg_AltLearn
./src/ui_advancedpracticeoptions.h~:41:    QCheckBox *kcfg_AltLearn;
./src/ui_advancedpracticeoptions.h~:85:    kcfg_AltLearn = new
QWidget::setTabOrder(kcfg_SwapDirection, kcfg_AltLearn);
QWidget::setTabOrder(kcfg_AltLearn, kcfg_ShowMore);
kcfg_AltLearn->setToolTip(tr2i18n("By checking this, you will use the
Leitner method of learning which requires you to answer correctlyto
each question 3 times in a row. ", 0));
kcfg_AltLearn->setWhatsThis(tr2i18n("By checking this, you will use
the Leitner method of learning which requires you to answer correctly
to each question 3 times in a row. ", 0));
//kcfg_AltLearn->setText(tr2i18n("&Require 3 consecutive correct
answers to count as right", 0));
./src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:20:       <widget
class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_AltLearn" >
Binary file ./src/CMakeFiles/parley.dir/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.o
Binary file ./src/parley matches
./src/ui_advancedpracticeoptions.h:41:    QCheckBox *kcfg_AltLearn;
./src/ui_advancedpracticeoptions.h:85:    kcfg_AltLearn = new
./src/ui_advancedpracticeoptions.h:88:    vboxLayout1->addWidget(kcfg_AltLearn);
QWidget::setTabOrder(kcfg_SwapDirection, kcfg_AltLearn);
QWidget::setTabOrder(kcfg_AltLearn, kcfg_ShowMore);
kcfg_AltLearn->setToolTip(tr2i18n("By checking this, you will use the
Leitner method of learning which requires you to answer correctly to
each question 3 times in a row. ", 0));
kcfg_AltLearn->setWhatsThis(tr2i18n("By checking this, you will use
the Leitner method of learning which requires you to answer correctly
to each question 3 times in a row. ", 0));
kcfg_AltLearn->setText(tr2i18n("&Require 3 consecutive correct answers
to count as right", 0));

There is nothing which take it's value, but somehow this setting working...

Thanks for your help

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