[kde-edu]: parley file format, image to image

Martin VanWinkle martin.vanwinkle at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 15:30:52 CET 2009


I've been messing around with flashcards in LaTeX, and I've written some stuff.

* A group of parsers / formatters that takes information in tab
delimited form and makes flashcard LaTeX documents out of stuff.

* A thing that takes a PDF of flashcards and chops them up into PNG
images.  Around 500 cards ends up being ~4 mb, but I need to increase
the density that I sample the PDF with so that may go to like ~6 mb.

I was browsing the Parley website and I was unable to find information
on how to do a simple front/back image thing.
I realize that people can't enter an image as an "answer" but they
probably could just hit a button to reveal the answer and press
another to denote they know it or don't know it.

I read the portion about needing some xsl person to create a new xsl
thing.  My xsl is really weak.  I guess I should read up on it.


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