[kde-edu]: inclusion of MathematiK in kdeedu

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Mon Aug 24 13:31:34 CEST 2009

Le lundi 24 août 2009 12:29:44, Kevin Krammer a écrit :
> On Friday, 2009-08-21, Alexander Rieder wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > For the last months I've been coding on an application in Playground
> > called MathematiK(but I'm open for better name suggestions). It's a
> > frontend for other free software mathematics projects, giving them a nice
> > KDE-based Worksheet view like Maple or Mathematica offer. Lately it has
> > matured quite a bit, so I decided to ask you for inclusion into the KDE
> > Edu 4.4 release, it's not perfect yet, but following the "release early,
> > release often" philosophy I'm really looking forward to get more people
> > testing it. How do you think about this? What are the steps I have to
> > make to get MathematiK included?
> Of course this is totally up to you, but I would recommend thinking about a
> different name before inclusion.
> One thing is that KDE programs in general moved away from highlighting K
> somewhere within the name by uppercasing it, because people never get this
> right when writing about it.
> Another thing is that it is extremely close to one of the competitor's
>  name.
> Maybe there is some famous mathematician with K initials or a mathematic
> technique (similar to the product that it named "Derive")
> Cheers,
> Kevin
I totally agree with that. 

A short reminder about the moving to kdeedu:

The process for inclusion in kdeedu is to first move the application to 
kdereview and at the same time to describe it to kde-core-devel mailing list 
and ask for inclusion in kdeedu. The basic requirements are that it's as much 
as possible based on kdelibs, it builds well, it has a complete doc and it is 
i18n ready. Having a usability study for it and ensuring you did some profiling 
are nice additions.
The application will stay for 2 weeks in kdereview where it gets peer review 
(usually in the form of answers on the kde-core-devel mailing list)
If no problems are discovered it can be moved to kdeedu and a bug component 
canbe created for it as well as webpages. You might also considere to blog 
about it and to aggregate your blog on Planet KDE to create a buzz!

More on http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/SVN_Guidelines

Best regards,


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