[kde-edu]: Learning vocabulary on the road / Questions about KVTML2

Falk Dechent fadef at gmx.de
Sat Jan 19 17:00:48 CET 2008

thank you! just yesterday I ran into the same problem with the kvtml2 

Am Samstag 19 Januar 2008 16:16:06 schrieb Michael Hofer:
>  When I first read through a KVTML2 file, I thought that the "id"
> attribute of the translation correlates to the "id" attribute of the
> identifier (language). But when I change these IDs, the language mapping
> in Parley doesn't change. In fact, the mapping appears to depend only on
> the order of appearance in the XML file. Is this the supposed behaviour?

I'm really looking forward to your Java Programm. What will you do with utf-8 
charakters? There are also arabic and russian vocabulary files.

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