[kde-edu]: i18n issues with step

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Wed Dec 3 18:22:38 CET 2008

Am Dienstag 02 Dezember 2008 23:32:16 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
> Well, actually it's not what KDE does but what translators can do
> (Transcript), because transcript can not work on tr() so you should know
> when translating a .po what you can and you can't do.
Yes, that indeed makes sense.

So attached a fix to split the catalogs for step, one called "step.pot" with 
the kde i18n messages and another called "step_qt.pot" with all qt messages.

Please check.

Before committing the translators have to be warned and need an explanation 
about the messages catalogs "foo_qt". 

Oh, and step also needs a patch to include the new catalog.

Marble and kalzium in kdeedu have the same problem as step, all messages 
either i18n() or tr() are extracted into one catalog.

Their catalogs should be splitted too.

Burkhard Lück
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