[kde-edu]: edu.kde.org: kvtml files

Ilja iljuss at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 22:07:20 CEST 2007

Maybe it seems strange, but I really didn't have nearly any free time
in a while. So basically no results yet.

2007/10/15, Jeremy Whiting <jeremy at scitools.com>:
> That sounds pretty good, except for the application support.  The idea with
> kvtml 2 is that all applications can use all kvtml 2 files.  KHangman and
> KAnagram can show files with 2 or 5 or how ever many columns there are,
> currently it will only show words from the first column, but if there's no
> comment tag, it will use the second column word as the hint, etc.
I wouldn't call it supported, when application is able to show only 1
column and maybe also second someway.

> Eventually
> (4.1 maybe) I'd like khangman and kanagram to be able to let you see all the
> words from all columns, possibly with a column choice combobox or something.
Since nobody has better ideas, values of constants could be changed
later, if needed.

Since most of you seem to be quite interested in KHotNewStuff, it
most probably makes sense to generate KNS description files
automatically, too.

But what should be done with archives to provide them using KNS?

Creating some unpacked versions and naming them like
"Chinese characters, file 1", .. "Chinese characters, file 4"?
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