[kde-edu]: tens -> tenths ??

ajdlinux at gmail.com ajdlinux at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 01:04:09 CET 2007

On 11/3/07, Orestes Mas <orestes at caliu.cat> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was translating some strings in klettres and I noticed these sentences:
> "Default is 2 tens of seconds."
> "Set the timer (in tens of seconds)"
> "Default is 4 tens of seconds..."
> I'm not a native english speaker, but I feel these sentences strange, as for
> me "2 tens of seconds" will be 20 seconds, which I judge too long.
> So I wonder if these are typos and have to be "tenths of seconds" instead.

In the version I have installed on my PC it appears in tenths of
seconds, however they really should be in milliseconds ;)

Andrew Donnellan <><
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